This TRUE STORY was recently turned down by ALL MAJOR MEDIA OUTLETS after exposing the shocking truth that is harming millions of Americans.

Scared to Lose Big Pharma’s advertising dollars, they shut it down. 

So we decided to release it ourselves...

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In this mini-series…


ARE causing your constant fatigue, thyroid problems, hormone disruption, sleep problems and more.
Watch ALL 6 Short EPISODES and EXPERT TRAININGS for FREE now through this page ONLY….

And discover how something RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE and even PRODUCTS YOU BUY EVERY DAY can be making you sick…

PLUS the EASY SOLUTIONS shown by experts to protect your family.

“The symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome can be uncomfortable, even disabling” — LANCET [world-leading medical journal]
“Studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times — and occasionally more than 100 times — higher than outdoor levels.” — Environmental Protection Agency

Who This Series Is For:

If you check yes next to 5 or more of these boxes, then this series may give you the answers you have been longing for.

  • You have not felt right for years, and nothing seems to work
  • Changing your diet helped some, but you’re still struggling
  • You have trouble getting to sleep
  • You’ve gained weight and can’t keep it off
  • You lose the weight and gain it back within a few short weeks
  • You get to sleep but wake up in the middle of the night
  • You think you smell mold sometimes but just ignore it
  • Sounds bother you, even make you upset
  • You have social anxieties and have become timid
  • You stand up, and you get dizzy all the time
  • You seem to have lost your balance
  • Your mood swings to the negative, and you have dark thoughts
  • You’re cold all the time, and taking a shower makes you tired
  • You get overwhelmed easily and have a hard time making decisions
  • You notice you’re sensitive to chemical fragrances like colognes and perfumes
  • You’re suffering from brain fog (especially after meals)
  • You have those dark, baggy circles under your eyes
  • You have poor night vision
  • You notice a shortness of breath when exercising
  • You have excessive thirst and have to pee all the time
  • Your feet are sore, and you get odd foot pain
  • You get random body twitching, even on your eyelids
  • Your hair is falling out abnormally
  • You have dry and flaky skin
  •   You are sore and stiff in the morning
  • You have random headaches and mood swings
  •   You feel tired despite drinking caffeine
  • Your kids are reactive and overly stimulated
  •   You get sick too often and recover slowly
  • When you leave your home, you feel better
  •   You feel agitated in your home
  • You have asthma and breathing problems all the time

This powerful 6 part series explores the hidden toxins in our homes and their powerful impact on our overall health and vitality.

Toxins that you do not see produced from mold, appliances, water, air, piping, electrical outlets, furniture, flooring, mattresses, building materials and more…

All scientifically proven to harm your health.

BUT you trusted the builders, real estate agents, stores, brands, inspectors, doctors, and the government to help provide a safe sanctuary for you to lay down at night safe and secure…

…instead, it may be the #1 reason you, your family, and your pets are needlessly suffering from: Endless fatigue, brain fog, headaches, premature aging, lowered immunity, weight gain and more.

These life-altering toxins are often unseen, odorless, and hidden behind walls, sinks, carpets, on your furniture, and even under your sheets…

But these toxins are REAL, UNSAFE, and have a potent life-altering effect on our bodies.

This Series Pulls Back The Dark Curtain

…Like the containers of plastic goods covered in flame-retardant chemicals that fill the big box stores are filling our homes with outgassing “goods” that are suffocating us.

In fact, “Sick Home Syndrome” is one of the top causes of suffering and disease in the world today.

We lived it and took it personally!

So the Home Sick Home team searched for the best experts, found credible stories, traveled across the country, and dug for answers you have never been told…Until Now.

Our team of world-renowned experts will show you
Where to look and how to remove safely
these hidden toxins, saving you thousands of dollars and years of future suffering.

AND… we are providing these ANSWERS 100% FREE during this 2 day Worldwide Premier and Screening event….

>> Watch Free -- for a Limited Time

YOU are Now Ready to Experience this Powerful Free Docuseries Home Sick Home, so…take the next step.

When You Join The Home Sick Home

World Premiere Free Screening Event, you will:

  • Learn how to identify the 5 most harmful toxins that may be lurking in your home
  • Identify the areas of your home that are the most dangerous
  • Know what’s got to go and what can stay in your home
  • Learn how these worst offenders cause symptoms and serious health challenges
  • Know what home items to swap and where to save money
  • Feel confident that you can help your family and keep them safe
  • Discover the #1 place to start and create a Home Safe Home
  • How to shop the non-toxic way to avoid bringing poisons into your home
  • Know the 10 best home practices to protect your family and your pets

Meet The Team Behind It All

Dr. Pedram Shojai
- Host -
World-renowned physician, author, filmmaker, and thought leader who has been exploring this topic for over a decade.

Aida Garcia Toledo
- Host -
World famous home safety expert and non-toxic living consultant. Aida has been at the center of this industry for years.

Warren Phillips M.S.
- Featured Expert -
The Non-Toxic Dad. Warren is a geologist by training who got sick cleaning up environmental toxins. Restoring his health – Warren became ignited with a passion for helping others, devoting his time to educating the public and health professionals about non-toxic health solutions for the past 18 years.

William Holland
- Featured Expert -
Licensed Electrical Contractor Specializing in Advanced Electromagnetic Field Mitigation. Expert on dirty electricity who helps diagnose WiFi and EMF problems in people’s homes

Elizabeth Large, ND
- Featured Expert -
Toxic mold expert and physician who helps people with complicated medical conditions that result from toxic exposure.

Bill Weber
- Featured Expert -
Forensic Building Consultant and Indoor Environmental Professional who helps people remediate toxic home issues.

Amy Ziff
- Featured Expert -
Founder of MADE SAFE which is a non-profit that certifies brands that use no harmful or suspected toxins in their products.

Ryan Blaser
- Supporting Expert -
World-Famous Building Biologist and electrical engineer who’s helped thousands of people diagnose and solve problems with their toxic homes.

Jill Carnahan, MD
- Supporting Expert -
The international go-to medical specialist for toxic home conditions. A key player in the Functional Medicine space who has helped thousands of people recover from mold and chemical toxicity.

Here’s What’s In Season 1

Episode 1

Air quality and your home.

What’s coming in from outside, and what are the sources of indoor air pollution that you may not be aware of? We toured an incredible home in Salt Lake City and saw how they deal with air quality in a high-pollution area.

Episode 2

Can mold really make you sick?

It turns out mold can destroy your life. We visited a young couple who got derailed and ill until they found the source of their issues and fixed them.

Episode 3

Why did these dogs
get so sick?

Some bad electrical work created a powerful EMF issue that impacted this family in unexpected ways. Here’s what we found and how they fixed it.

Episode 4

Faulty construction?

It happens all the time. Here’s what can go wrong and here’s what to look for when things are not sealed properly in your home.

Episode 5

What we buy matters.

We visit the home of MADE SAFE founder Amy Ziff to explore the toxic categories of items we bring home that cause us harm.

Episode 6

A Safe Home

We continue our visit with Amy Ziff, exploring all the safe swaps that can take our home from sick to safe with very little effort.

Find True Health & Vitality With Sage Wisdom & The Latest Science

This series was created to help you unravel what may harm your health at home and swap it out. With each improvement, you’ll feel more energy, less brain fog, and more alive. It’s amazing how well we can feel when we take the poison out of our lives. HOME is where to start. This series will give you an incredible jump start on that journey.

>> Watch Free -- for a Limited Time

Learn How To

  • Know what swaps are the easiest to do
  • Check for poor air quality indoors
  • Know how to look for mold
  • Shop for non-toxic furniture
  • Identify toxic glues and residues in flooring
  • Shop for safe foods
  • Check for EMFs and energy pollution
  • Do renovations the right way
  • Clear out your pantry of toxic foods
  • Clear out your laundry room of carcinogens
  • Clean up your personal care items
    to avoid poisons
>> Watch Free -- for a Limited Time

By the end of the event, you’ll know how to live healthfully in your own home and take out the worst offenders as you go.

It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune...

Swap one thing at a time, and over a few months, your home will be a healthier place to rest and recover.

Keep going and make your home a sanctuary for sleep, recovery, and quality time with your family.


Hosted by experts in the field, the series visits with some of the greatest voices in building biology and home safety.


You need to know where to look and what may be hiding behind the walls. Learn from other’s experiences so you don’t have to learn the hard way.

Practical and Approachable

It’s not easy to fix a plane in the air, and it’s almost as hard to renovate a house while living in it. The series takes you through practical steps to help you make changes over time.

An Enriching Ecosystem

After the series, you’ll get access to special features and extra interviews with doctors, building biologists, and other experts who can help you further navigate this topic and bring health to your home.


Home is where we need to recover. It’s where we have to feel safe to heal and recharge. If the toxins have made it “over the city walls” already, we’re in trouble.

This series takes a practical approach to identifying the trouble spots and swapping out the worst items first. After watching the series, you’ll feel empowered and enlightened… confident and capable.

The world can feel unsafe and hectic, but your home shouldn’t. It’s your sanctuary, and you need to treat it as such. This series will show you how!

>> Watch Free -- for a Limited Time